Sunday, November 2, 2008

Day 10...and counting

We hope you all are having a great Sunday.

Elijah has had a difficult few days but we are so fortunate to have found the source of his pain. Lab results revealed a bacterial infection in his blood which causes, among other things, a slow down in bowel activity. Gas & bowel was building with no way of escape. While they determine the strain of bacteria, he was started on vancomycin, an antibiotic that eradicates all strains. About 8 hours after the first dose, he began to feel better. Unfortunately his pain was still not under control Friday evening and he missed his 15 seconds of fame when 2 of the Nashville Predators dressed as Tigger & Pooh, and the local News came to his room to 'trick or treat' on halloween.

After 9 days, he & I finally felt the warmth of the sun! We went on a little field trip to the beautiful coy pond.
Here he is on Saturday with Daddy, eating more of the crackers than he fed to the fish.

Today he was feeling well enough to go to the Play room.
His legs are still a bit wobbly but he played hard enough to take a 3 hour nap afterwards. He then woke to a visitor-one of his favorite friends Alison who sang, danced and fed him corn pops! Her mommy and I will be having a little chit-chat about the corn pops later :)

Although we struggle to keep his temperature under 102, we do expect to go home in the next day or 2. Due to the infection, surgery for the port-o-cath and chemotherapy treatments will be pushed back at least 2 weeks.

As always-your concern for Elijah is treasured
and your thoughts and prayers are appreciated.